Book Review - Deliver by Pam Godwin

5 Sept 2014



“You said you freed me, but freedom isn't defined by chains or walls. You, alive, with me. That's my freedom.” 

Well that was some intense, crazy ride! I have to admit it was a refreshing read, being my first time reading a female captor story. Honestly, I entered into some new dangerous territories reading a couple of the gritty stuffs in this book.


Deliver opens up to Liv Reed, known as the deliverer and works with her partner, Van to abduct victims and train them into sex slaves. These sex slaves are trained to fit certain requirements for their buyers & once the training is completed, they are "delivered" to their buyers.

Liv's latest capture involves Joshua Carter, a virginal football star who helps out with his parents' farm & working towards a ministry degree. Being the kind-hearted soul that he is, he falls into Liv's trap while offering her a ride home one night.
Will Liv be able to break Josh with her training? Or will it be Josh that breaks Liv out from the chains binding her?


This book is definitely not for the faint-hearted ones; it was dark, gritty and rather disturbing. There were scenes that was so intense which had my heart racing and also scenes that made my head spin or had my stomach turned. I definitely pushed myself to new limits reading certain scenes I've never encountered before & thankfully I survived reading them! Although there are times that I felt like I needed to take a break or have a drink after reading through.

As mentioned, I found Liv's character to be quite refreshing being a female captor. However, for the first 30% of the book, I found myself having a difficult time connecting to her. I was quite confused and she kept throwing me off with her aloofness. I wanted to like her but I couldn't understand her! But moving on later when her past slowly unravels, she started growing on me & I could finally understand what her true intentions were.

“She was stolen innocence, following the rules of monsters. Somewhere along the way, she’d become one.”
Well I'm surprised by Josh's character for sure. For a devout Christian virginal boy, the development in his character was an interesting one to read. I was quite amazed by his never-ending lack of faith and his determination to save both himself and Liv. However, I did find some difficulty believing the pace of these two forming a strong connection & how quickly for Josh to place his trust in her.

“I stand here without rope or chains, Liv, tethered to you by my own will. I won’t be free until you are.”
And of course, there's Van. I can definitely see why everyone has been so captivated by him ;) He was an enigma of sorts in this book; beneath his tough exterior and disturbingly creepy fetishes, there was so much more to him than I expected. Despite his messed-up self, I was still drawn to him.

The story as a whole was definitely a page-turner with non-stop suspense. I couldn't anticipate what was to come & it definitely captured my attention throughout the entire book. There were also numerous twists & turns I didn't see coming and I genuinely enjoyed the intensity that this book offered.

That being said, Pam Godwin definitely delivered an enthralling, suspenseful dark read, plus the erotica element was also well executed for me. I'm definitely looking forward to reading Van's story in the next one & get to know more of him!

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